Melissa Chuidian: mchuidian@wusd.org

Juanita Sedeno: jsedeno@wusd.org (espanol)

Attendance Line (TEXT or call): 707-687-9499

NEW: You can now text the attendance line. Please keep in mind the following when doing so.

  1. We use caller ID services to identify calls are coming from known parent/guardian phone numbers.

  2. Automated attendance calls will still be made to parent/guardian phone numbers on file.

  3. Please include all information listed below in your text message.


It is required that ALL absences be verified. To report an absence call Melissa Chuidian. If you receive a voicemail, please leave a message, speak clearly, and include the following: 

  • Your name and relation to student 

  • Student’s name 

  • The reason for their absence

  • Date(s) of absence

Please refer to the California Education Code: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=EDC§ionNum=48205


If you are planning a vacation and/or your student will be missing 5 to 15 days of school contact Melissa Chuidian for information regarding Short-Term Independent Study (IS).

If proper notice is not given the request for Short-Term IS can be denied. Paperwork needs to be filled out two weeks prior to leaving. A Short-Term IS Contract & Assignment Sheets will be given to the student and needs to be returned FULLY COMPLETED in order to receive credit. If work is not turned in or is incomplete then the absences will be unexcused and you student will be declared a truant.


1) Two weeks before going on Short-Term Independent Study, contact Melissa Chuidian, Attendance Office to pickup Short-Term IS Contract/Assignment Sheets.

2) Have each of your Teachers complete Assignment Sheet on the back of the IS Contract.

3) Student and Parents sign Short-Term IS Contract.

4) Return Short-Term IS Contract and Assignment Sheets to Melissa Chuidian, prior to leaving.

5) After you return from Short-Term IS turn in all homework to Melissa Chuidian.